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Narcissistic Abuse Help

You are not crazy. You are also not a terrible person.  Your feelings are real and make perfect sense. Please know that you are not imagining or overreacting to things.  Narcissistic Abuse is very real. Though you must feel so alone, I assure you that there are those who understand and believe you.  I know that I do. I have worked with others in similar situations. It is my utmost desire to be of help to you as well.

I understand that you have been labeled as the problem.  Nothing you do is ever good enough. There is no pleasing that other person. You can never be or do what they demand. You have spent all of your energy trying to make that person happy only to feel broken, confused, and completely drained. You may even feel like you have completely lost yourself.  We both know it has been a long while since what you wanted or needed mattered.

You can no longer live this way. Things have to change.  Though you know this,  it feels overwhelming and confusing.  You are afraid that you do not have the energy to do what is needed.  It is exhausting just to move through your day as it is. Perhaps you think you are weak. This is where I can help you. There is a way and yes, you CAN do it.

I will not pretend that the path forward will be easy.  You have already been through so much. However, what if I told you that this work leads to you finding your voice again? You will be able to feel true joy and freedom.   I understand fully you likely feel worthless and withered into almost nothingness.  However, I also know there is a part of you listening, full of determination, screaming NO MORE.  This spark within you is what has led to you this page today. It is time for you to rediscover you and reclaim your power as the amazing being that you are.

I invite you to snoop the various offerings available to you.  There are articles you can read should you be seeking more understanding and insight.  Additionally, if you are ready to launch your healing now, you are most welcome to directly schedule a session with me below and/or begin the video healing course.  No more tolerating intolerable. I encourage you take the needed steps, big or small, to move into the space of feeling safe, valued and loved.


Feeling ready?  You are welcome to schedule our initial consultation by clicking below.